A local solution to a global problem: Community Wealth Building and Climate

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - 19:00 to 20:30


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Creating a democratic and just economy that will deliver a substantive return on achieving decarbonisation targets and climate adaptation.

This event will take place at Queen's University Belfast and will involve panel talks, followed by a Q&A session to discuss community wealth building and climate action.

The panel will discuss opportunities for local government and communities to address the climate crisis, deliver effective climate action in ways that secure jobs, reduce inequalities and shift our economies beyond 'business as usual', such as community wealth building.

This event will be led by John Barry, Professor of Green Political Economy and Co-director of the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate action at Queen's. Panel members will include Mark Dooris, Professor in Health and Sustainability at University of Central Lancashire and Councillor Joe Cullinane, North Ayrshire Council.


Part of the COP26 series organised by the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action at QUB, Belfast Climate Commission and the ESRC Festival of Social Science NI